Thursday, August 8, 2013

September and October Meeting information

September Party and Meeting

Don't forget about the pool party scheduled for all of the area Girl Scouts on September 7th! It will be held at the UI Rec Center pool from 4-6pm. The girls will watch the movie "Oceans" while swimming and enjoying treats. If you haven't RSVP'd to me yet, please do so soon. The girls have to be registered to receive a pool party patch.

Our first meeting will be held Monday, September 9th from 3-4:30 in the Regina Scout Room. This will be a big meeting for the girls! We'll review the Girl Scout Law and Friendship Handshake. They will also decide as a group how they will plan their activities and meetings in the coming months.

Remember, if your daughter is already working on earning a badge, please let me know so I can get it for her from the Girl Scout Store. Each of these accomplishments deserves acknowledgement and celebration so we'll have a little ceremony during meetings as well. If she hasn't started this process, she's in great company! :) We'll go over this process as well. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

October Meeting

Our October meeting will be held at Wilson's Apple Orchard! We will leave after school and plan to arrive at Wilsons around 3:45. They have planned an afternoon of apple education, tasting, and tractor rides for us. Apple turnovers and ice cream will be available that afternoon. We will try to do a brief meeting once we are done with the tour before heading back home. More details will be available soon.

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