Monday, September 16, 2013

First Troop Meeting Recap

The girls were pretty jazzed up today for our first meeting. Hopefully they came home excited and energized for the upcoming year. He's a concise (believe it or not!) recap:

We learned about Kaper charts where each girl has a chore to do for the meeting. They were fantastic helpers! 

We also introduced our (very ugly...sorry Great Grandma) quilt that will serve as our meeting place for Friendship circles, the business part of our meeting, and singing songs. 

The girls who went to camp quickly caught everyone else up on camp songs. I will apologize in advance if your daughter comes home singing about mullets, scrubbing toilets, and trying to squeeze you like an orange! 

Finally, the girls laid the foundation for our upcoming year. They had several votes and discussions about what they hope to do. Here are the results:

  1. They preferred to work on badges as a group and individually rather than follow one of the Girl Scout workbooks
  2. They agreed we should celebrate every earned badge with a short ceremony. The scout who earns the badge will give us a short presentation explaining how they earned it before we shower her with songs and hugs. (The Mullet song continues to be the popular choice!) Sarah agreed to give us an overview of her Philanthropist Badge today and did a great job!  
  3. We talked about how to manage their money in the upcoming year. Surprisingly enough, they are quite frugal. They wanted to save the bulk of their money to do bigger outings in the months ahead. 
  4. They brainstormed for service project ideas and voted on them. The top two were:
    • Baking cookies in December and distributing them to nursing home patients.
    • Helping to stuff gift bags for an upcoming fund raiser organized by Lily S's parents (more on that very soon!). 
    • We talked about adopting a park/planting trees and making blankets for children at the Children's Hospital. They agreed we might be able to work this into our troop meetings rather than plan extra time for them. 
    5. We discussed possible upcoming troop outings. They agreed the Badge O Rama sounded like the best         option. They have the option of earning up to four badges in one day at the Science Center in Cedar             Rapids. Information can be found below or at           This event is $27 per girl which would significantly cut into their troop money. Heather and I are going           to explore options. 

Finally, they brainstormed for other troop specific ideas throughout the school year. They were enthusiastic about all of them but realize we will eventually have to decide on just a couple. Here is their list: 

  1. Secret Sister - each scout gets a "secret sister" for the school year. She can leave her girl scout sister little notes, small treasures, or other fun things to let her know someone is thinking about her. They'd find out who their secret sister is at the end of the year.
  2. Pizza Night - The Fellers have offered to host!
  3. Movie Night - at the Greve's house
  4. Sleep over - we could combine with a movie or pizza night
  5. Flag Ceremony - through the VFW as part of a troop meeting
  6. CPR/First Aid class - could be done as part of a troop meeting
  7. Backyard camping
  8. An outing to the Putman Museum in the Quad Cities - they frequently have GS outings
  9. Saturday morning movie in the winter at Coral Ridge
  10. Possible a bigger GS trip (they have several amazing things planned in Chicago like an overnight at the Field Museum where you can sleep by the dinosaurs.

October Meeting Information

Our next meeting will be at Wilson's. As of now, we have enough adults for the trip but we are happy to have anyone else who'd like to join us. The girls can bring a change of clothes if they'd like. We will leave Regina as close to 3:20 as possible and are scheduled to arrive at Wilson's at 3:45. 

Our trip will include apple education, a tractor ride, and apple tasting. If your daughter would like to bring money from home to buy an apple tart, slushie, or doughnut, she may bring up to $5 to spend.  The tour is expected to last one hour and we will likely leave Wilson's around 5pm. We will be back to Regina around 5:15-5:30 and will meet in the FRONT parking lot. I am happy to wait a little longer for parents who normally have their kids in the PM program until 5:30. 

Finally, Heather and I tried (honestly!) to get some good photos today. Our subjects moved FAR too fast for our cameras. :) 

No idea what this was about. We were attempting a group photo. 

Teaching those ever-popular camp songs. Clearly it didn't take long for everyone to get up to full speed!

Finally, snacks! We'll try for healthy ones in the coming months. For this meeting, eating brownies seemed like a good idea. The girls thought it was hilarious when our plastic knife broke. :) 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Information Sent Home

Information to Parents:


This is the start-up packet for your daughter’s year in Brownies.
Please fill out the permission slip and “Families Make it Happen!” form and get them back to me before our October meeting. We will need both before we can take the girls to Wilson’s Apple Orchard. If I can manage to figure it out, I’ll put the sheets on our blog too. (If you’re like me, it’ll go into an “important stack” of papers only to be found after the trip!)

Also, I have enclosed a copy of your daughter’s Brownie Badge Log. The badges under the blue heading have five requirements each. All can be found in their Brownie binder. I have circled the ones that your daughter has earned so far. If she has completed any that are not circled, please let me know asap! I keep an identical copy to help when it comes time to order badges. The girls will choose to do several as a group but if your daughter completes one on her own, that’s great too! Just let me know so she gets credit. In an effort to foster confidence, we are hoping the girls can give the group a brief talk about how they fulfilled each step. We will then have a little ceremony to award her the badge.

The second page contains badges under a pink heading. These are badges that are part of a defined Girl Scout program called “Journeys” and they are meant to be done over the course of the year. Several leaders have suggested these are too much like school work for the girls. However, some of the badges can be done independently of the Journey’s program. If any, or all, of the girls find them to be interesting, we could always order the packets that contain the steps for the badges. I have listed them on the second page of the log.

Finally, look for a sign up genius for meeting snacks in the days ahead. If your daughter helps, she could earn a step toward the Snacks Badge as well. J

As always, let me know if you have questions. Our blog has been updated since the pancake breakfast and includes photos of our swim party. I hope to have another update after our first meeting letting you know what they’ve accomplished.


Girl Scout Badge Log Worksheet:

Girl Scout Brownie Badge Log

Girl Scout Name:

Legacy Badges (can be found in their Brownie book with all steps defined for them)

Painting                                                1 2 3 4 5
Fair Play                                              1 2 3 4 5
Celebrating Community                        1 2 3 4 5
Snacks                                                 1 2 3 4 5
Brownie First Aid                                 1 2 3 4 5
Brownie Girl Scout Way                       1 2 3 4 5

Financial Literacy – Cookie Business Badges (can be found in their Brownie book with all steps defined for them)

Money Manager                              1 2 3 4 5
Philanthropist                                   1 2 3 4 5
Meet My Customers                        1 2 3 4 5
Give Back                                        1 2 3 4 5

Make Your Own (information in their Brownie book with suggested steps)

Create a Name                                  1 2 3 4 5

Skill Building Badges are part of a separate packet/program the girls may choose to order for their troop. They can also be ordered for an individual scout.

It’s Your World
Computer Expert             1 2 3 4 5
My Best Self                    1 2 3 4 5
Dancer                             1 2 3 4 5
Home Scientist                 1 2 3 4 5
My Family Story              1 2 3 4 5

It’s Your Planet Love it!
Potter                                   1 2 3 4 5
Household Elf                       1 2 3 4 5
Senses                                  1 2 3 4 5
Hiker                                    1 2 3 4 5
My Great Day                      1 2 3 4 5

It’s Your Story – Tell It!
Letterbox                            1 2 3 4 5
Pets                                    1 2 3 4 5
Making Games                    1 2 3 4 5
Inventor                              1 2 3 4 5
Making Friends                   1 2 3 4 5

 Permission slip needed before Wilson's Apple Orchard Trip:

Parent/Guardian Permission Form

Return this page to group leader

My daughter,

has permission to participate in

She can participate with reasonable accommodations.



Please describe:

During the activity, I (we) can be reached at:


Telephone number:

If I (we) cannot be reached in the event of an emergency, the following person is authorized to act in my (our) behalf:



Telephone number:

Relationship to participant:

Physician's name:

Telephone number:

Additional remarks:

Parent or guardian's signature


(must be signed)

GSUSA Rev. 2004

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Girl Scout Council Swim Party! 

Seven of our troops attended tonight's swim party at the UI Campus Rec and Wellness Center. They joined 125 other area girl scouts and their leaders for a night of swim safety, fun, and service to the Shelter House. 

These are truly a great group of girls! They came up against a situation with a few girls from another troop over the ownership of a pool dive ring. They and handled it with kindness, persistence, fairness, and confidence. They could have understandably gotten frustrated and angry, but they didn't. They asked for help when they needed it and, most impressively, as a group they supported and helped one another. 

So on to the pictures! They are fuzzy and awful because a combination of a steamy room and a phone camera doesn't lend itself to good photos. (Incredibly fast moving targets don't help either!) :) 

Getting ready! 

Top Left: Madelyn, Lily M, Sophia, Lily S
Bottom Left: Sydnee, Sarah, Kjirstin

The lifeguards gave a short talk about pool safety. This was followed by a talk from the member of the Shelter House. She explained how homelessness affects families and children and why their work is so important.


Imagine 125 girls attacking the pool all at once! They all ran to the swirly pool in the middle.

Lily S

Lily M

Lily M and Kjirstin

"Sydnee, show me a silly face!" This is what we got. :) 

Sophia conquering the climbing wall.

Sarah (who always moved too fast in the water to get a good photo!)

Madelyn trying to make it past the ledge. 

Team climbing!


Sophia and Sarah

Pool basketball at its best!


A bit of silliness and some rabbit ears.


I'm not sure who decided to use the color yellow for a water structure that looks like a toilet bowl. :) They had an awful lot of fun in it though.

Thanks to all of the parents, friends, and grandparents who brought the kids by tonight. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Don't forget our first meeting! Monday, September 9th. It will start after school and conclude at 4:30pm. 

I will meet the girls in front of the prayer basket at the front of school.

If you have not done so, please let me know where your daughter should go after the meeting.  

Mary's Cell: 319-400-7810
Where Do the Badges Go Again?

A few parents have asked where everything is supposed to go on the Brownie vest. Our troop earned several badges and patches last year. All of them have been ordered and should trickle in over the next two months. Here's a fast run down of the basics:

Badges are earned through specific activities. Because they show your daughter has acquired new knowledge or a skill, they belong on the front of her vest. The Girl Scouts have a specific place for each of these (see below!). 

Patches are awarded to girls for participation in events such as our Wilson's trip or a movie night. These are just for fun and are meant to decorate the back of the vest however your daughter would like. 

There will be a few other items coming home such as membership stars (one for each year in scouts), a patch to show that they bridged from Daisies to Brownies etc. 

This diagram shows every possible thing a girl could earn over the course of Brownies so please do not worry if your daughter is missing something. All of our girls have vests so do not worry about the diagram of the vest (my computer skills have failed me and I wasn't able to crop it out). 

Upcoming Events for the Months Ahead!

In an effort to keep all calendar items in one place, I've added more options for the girls in the months ahead. Our Council (our area of Eastern Iowa Girl Scouts) may add other activities as the year progresses. Again, girls and their families can decide how many or how few events interest them. Any can be attended with or without the troop. If your daughter has particular interest any events, please let me know so I can register her.


Short Circuit 

Join the upcycling experts at Reusable Usables to turn tech into treasure. 
Girls will dismantle computer keyboards and turn old computer parts into 
works of art and beautiful jewelry. 

Location: Reusable Usables, LeClaire, IA 

Cost: $11 • Deadline: 9-28-13 • Date: 10-5-13 • Time: 11 a.m-12:30 p.m

Wonderful Water 

Water, water everywhere, but where does it come from, what does it do and 
where does it go? Join us at Indian Creek Nature Center to find out! Girls will 
“become” a droplet of water cycling around in Earth’s water cycle. They will 
explore a watershed and learn how it works! This event works with the Wow! 
Wonders of Water Journey. 

Location: Indian Creek Nature Center, Cedar Rapids, IA 

Cost: $8 • Deadline: 10-3-13 • Date: 10-12-13 • Time: 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Brownie Badge-o-rama (Earn Four Badges!)

Making Games, Home Scientist, Inventor and Senses. Oh my! Earn four 
badges in one afternoon! Brownies are invited to the Science Center to 
discover the science possibilities in your own home, create and play your very 
own game, explore with your five senses and create something that has never 
been thought of before. Please register at 

Location: Science Center, Cedar Rapids, IA 

Cost: $8/session or $27 for all sessions • Deadline: 10-10-13 

Date: 10-19-13 • Time: 9 a.m.-4:15 p.m.

Girl Scouts Day with Hawkeye Volleyball 

Ever dream of being a Hawkeye cheerleader or dancer? Here’s your chance! 
Girl Scouts will join the Hawkeye Spirit Squads for a cheer and dance clinic 
prior to the match. Then the girls will show off what they learned and perform 
right by the pros on the court during the intermission! All Girls Scouts will also 
have the opportunity to win prizes via trivia contests and registrations. 

For registration please contact Rori Carlo at 319-335-9431. 

Location: Carver-Hawkeye Arena, Iowa City, IA 

Cost: Free • Deadline: 10-10-13 • Date: 10-19-13 • Time: 5:30-9 p.m.

Ghoul Scout Camp

Ghosts and Goblins are taking over camp! Enjoy just the right amount of fright 
at this Halloween themed event for Brownies. Girls will create creepy crafts, 
take a haunted tour and eat a terrifying treat. Dress in costume to enjoy the 
Halloween fun!

Locations: Date: 10-19-13 Cost: Deadline: 10-10-13

Camp Little Cloud, 
Epworth, IA  2-4 p.m.

Camp Conestoga, 
New Liberty, IA  2-4 p.m.

Camp L-Kee-Ta, 
Danville, IA  2-4 p.m.

Brownies on a Budget 

Shop till you drop as you design a budget and figure out how to shop for 
clothing, school supplies and groceries. This session will help you achieve your 
goal of learning more about how to better manage your money and figuring 
out the difference between needs vs. wants! Registration is available at 

Location: Science Center, Cedar Rapids, IA 

Cost: $8 • Deadline: 10-10-13 • Date: 10-23-13 • Time: 2-3:30 p.m

Other Upcoming Events for the Months Ahead! 

Here are the rest of the dates for the school year. Please note there are some great overnight events (at the Iowa Children's Museum!) if you need a night out. :) As always, these activities are totally optional and can be done as a troop or individually. 


The Doctor is In 

Become a medical student at the University of Iowa Carver College of 
Medicine. Enjoy this hands-on experience in the medical field and discover 
the inner workings of the human body.

Location: University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA 

Cost: $2 • Deadline: 11-7-13 • Date: 11-19-13 • Time: 6-8 p.m.

Brownie Day with Lou Henry Hoover 

Lou Henry Hoover was very important to the founding and growth of the
Girl Scouts of America. Come join us for a day filled with exploration and 
learning about the life of Lou Henry Hoover and her husband President 
Herbert Hoover. Throughout the day you will meet all of the requirements of 
the Lou Henry Hoover badge through museum tours, games, talks, and hands 
on activities with the National Park Service.

Location: The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum,
West Branch, IA

Cost: $6 girl / $2 adult • Deadline: 10-31-13 • Date: 11-9-13 
Time: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.


Save and Spend 

Save a little, spend a little. Girls will learn how to handle money, make change, 
and complete banking transactions with the experts at Junior Achievement. 
They will complete all the steps to earn the Money Manager badge. Badges 
can be purchased at the Girl Scout Shop at any Leadership Center. 

Location: Junior Achievement, Davenport, IA 

Cost: $14 • Deadline: 12-5-13 • Date: 12-14-13 • Time: 9-11:30 a.m.

The Nutcracker 

Experience the magic of The Nutcracker at the Grand Opera House! Girls will 
be mesmerized by the beautiful costumes, lavish scenery and outstanding 
dance performed by the talented Dubuque City Youth Ballet. After the show 
everyone will be dreaming of sugar plum fairies and mice kings! 

Location: The Grand Opera House, Dubuque, IA 

Cost: $10 girl / $15 adult • Deadline: 12-5-13 • Date: 12-15-13 
Time: 2-4 p.m.


Brownie Blast Off 

Get ready to blast off! Visit the planetarium at the Grout Museum and spend 
the afternoon in outer space. Experience the stars, planets and solar systems 
like never before. View the sky using a high-powered telescope. 

Location: Grout Museum District, Waterloo, IA 

Cost: $10 girl / $5 adult • Deadline: 1-2-14 • Date: 1-11-14 • Time: 2-4 p.m

Create with Paint 

Release your inner artist! Girls will explore the art of painting through hands on 
activities. They will paint the real world, a mood, a mural, and use some 
experimental “brushes.” Girls will complete all the steps to earn the
Painting badge. 

Location: Iowa Children’s Museum, Coralville, IA

Cost: $12 • Deadline: 1-2-14 • Date 1-9-14 • Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Cost: $12 • Deadline: 1-2-14 • Date 1-11-14 • Time: 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Cost: $12 • Deadline: 1-9-14 • Date 1-16-14 • Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Brownies on a Budget 

Shop till you drop as you design a budget and figure out how to shop for 
clothing, school supplies and groceries. This session will help you achieve your 
goal of learning more about how to better manage your money and figuring 
out the difference between needs vs. wants! Registration is available at www. 

Location: Science Center, Cedar Rapids, IA 

Cost: $8 • Deadline: 1-16-14 • Date: 1-29-14 • Time: 2-3:30 p.m.

Budget Buddies 

Explore the difference between wants and needs. Girls will go shopping in the 
Iowa Children’s Museum’s City Grocery, and practice making the most of their 
money. They will learn to manage money wisely as they complete all the steps 
to earn the Money Manager badge. 

Location: Iowa Children’s Museum, Coralville, IA 

Cost: $10 • Deadline: 1-23-14 • Date: 1-31-14 • Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m

Girl Scouts Day with 
Hawkeye Women’s Basketball 

Come cheer and dance for the Hawkeye Women’s Basketball team! 
There will be prizes to win and a fun Kids Zone to make posters before the 
game. You will even get to meet some of the coaching staff and be recognized 
on the big screen during the game. For registration please contact Lisa 
Pearson at 319-335-9431.

Location: Carver-Hawkeye Arena, Iowa City, IA 

Cost: $1 girl / $2 adult • Deadline: TBA • Date: TBA • Time: TBA

Rock ‘n Roll All Night 

Roll out your sleeping bags and spend the night at the Iowa Children’s 
Museum. Girls will get active as they discover new, fun ways to play music and 
dance. Girls will complete all the steps to earn a badge. Brownies will earn their 
Dancer badge and Juniors earn their Musician badge. There will also be time 
to play, learn and explore in the museum.

Location: Iowa Children’s Museum, Coralville, IA 

Cost: $30 • Deadline: 1-16-14 

Date and Time: 1-24-14 at 6:30 p.m. to 1-25-14 at 8:30 a.m

Wonders of Water Overnight 

Come sleep with the fishes, literally! Join us at the National Mississippi River 
Museum for an evening of fun with an overnight at the aquarium. Girls will 
sample fun activities from the Wonders of Water Journey, tour the museum 
and watch a movie. Breakfast, an all-day pass to the museum for Sunday after 
9 a.m. and program are included with the cost for girls and adults. 
Location: National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium, Dubuque, IA 

Cost: $42 girl / $42 adult • Deadline: 1-17-14 

Date and Time: 1-25-14 at 5 p.m. to 1-26-14 at 9 a.m.


Augustana TEAM Camp 

Together Everyone Achieves More! Girls will spend the day with Augustana 
female athletes as they learn about what being a team is all about. Girls will 
also test out different sports such as lacrosse, tennis, and soccer.

Location: Augustana College, Rock Island, IL 

Cost: $5 • Deadline: 1-25-14 • Date: 2-1-14 • Time: 9 a.m.-12 p.m

Girl Scouts Day with Hawkeye Gymnastics 

Come cheer on the University of Iowa Women’s Gymnastics team. Enjoy a 
Kid’s Zone set up along the concourse full of games and coloring an hour 
before the meet starts. All Girl Scout members will also be able to register for 
prizes. After the meet, Girl Scouts will be invited down to the floor to 
participate in the Cha-Cha Slide with the team. Post-meet autographs will also 
be available. For registration please contact Rori Carlo at 319-335-9431.

Location: Carver-Hawkeye Arena, Iowa City, IA 

Cost: Free • Deadline: TBA • Date: TBA • Time: TBA


Create with Paint 

Release your inner artist! Girls will explore the art of painting with hands on 
activities. They will paint the real world, a mood, a mural, and use some 
experimental “brushes.” Girls will complete all the steps to earn the Painting 

Location: Iowa Children’s Museum, Coralville, IA

Cost: $12 • Deadline: 2-27-14 • Date: 3-6-14 • Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Cost: $12 • Deadline: 2-27-14 • Date: 3-8-14 • Time: 9:30-11:30 a.m

Journey the World: Innovate and Create 

Our Journey of the World continues as girls celebrate World Thinking Day
and their sister Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world. Girls will explore 
the people and cultures of over 40 countries at booths hosted by troops
from across the Council. This year we will also innovate and create with hands 
on learning opportunities in the areas of science, technology, engineering
and math. Girls of every age level will have opportunities to participate in 
age-appropriate activities. 

Location: The RiverCenter, Davenport, IA

Cost: $8 girl / $5 adult • Deadline: 3-1-14 • Date: 3-8-14 
Time: 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

Generation STEM 

Cure cancer, develope a self-driving car, and end world hunger. Do these seem 
impossible? They’re not! Girls will learn to ask questions to discover answers 
in this hands-on, active learning science, technology, engineering and math 
conglomerate. Be original and a leader while you discover the endless 
opportunities in these currently male dominated fields. Help us make this 
generation officially Generation STEM.

Location: University of Iowa College of Engineering, Iowa City, IA

Cost: $8 • Deadline: 3-20-14 • Date: 3-29-14 • Time: 1-5 p.m.

Science is Everywhere

Science is everywhere! Join the experts at the Iowa Children’s Museum to 
make, mix and experiment with common household items.

Location: Iowa Children’s Museum, Coralville, IA

Cost: $12 • Deadline: 3-13-14 • Date: 3-20-14 • Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Cost: $12 • Deadline: 3-13-14 • Date: 3-22-14 • Time: 9:30-11:30 a.m.


Artist Overnight 

Roll out your sleeping bags and spend the night at the Iowa Children’s 
Museum. Girls will get active as they discover new, fun ways to play music and 
dance. Girls will complete all the steps to earn a badge. Brownies will earn their 
Dancer badge and Juniors earn their Musician badge. There will also be time 
to play, learn and explore in the museum. 

Location: Iowa Children’s Museum, Coralville, IA 

Cost: $30 • Deadline: 3-27-14 • 
Date and Time: 4-4-14 at 6:30 p.m. to 4-5-14 at 8:30 a.m.

Girl Scouts Day with Hawkeye Softball 

Come cheer on the University of Iowa Softball team. Activities before the 
game will be confirmed at a later date. Check our online calendar for updates 
on these fun, family activities. For registration please contact Lisa Pearson at 

Location: Bob Pearl Field, Iowa City, IA 

Cost: Free • Deadline: TBA • Date: TBA • Time: TBA

Living with Laura 

Laura Ingalls Wilder was an author who was inspired by her daughter to write 
about her life as a pioneer girl. Join the experts at Usher’s Ferry to learn about 
Laura and life as a pioneer. The day will include an overview of Laura’s life and 
several hands-on sessions that relate to passages from the books. This event 
will fulfill all requirements for the Laura Ingalls Wilder council patch except the 
reading. Girls should bring a sack lunch. 

Location: Ushers Ferry Historic Village, Cedar Rapids, IA 

Cost: $32 • Deadline: 4-17-14 • Date: 4-26-14 • Time: 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

Play in the Clay

Dig into some clay and get your hands dirty! Learn basic clay techniques
and create a pot, some beads, and a sculpture from clay. Event cost includes 
admission to the Iowa Children’s Museum. Girls will complete all the steps to 
earn the Potter badge. 

Location: Iowa Children’s Museum, Coralville, IA

Cost: $14 • Deadline: 4-3-14 • Date: 4-10-14 • Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Cost: $14 • Deadline: 4-3-14 • Date: 4-12-14 • Time: 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Cost: $14 • Deadline: 4-10-14 • Date: 4-17-14 • Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Wild About Nature 

Explore nature! During this event, Brownies will learn four outdoor skills 
facilitated with help from Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts. 
Girls will enjoy the warmth of a campfire, a short walk in the woods and some 
delicious outdoor cooking while making friends with older Girl Scout role 
models. T-shirt included for girls! 

Location: Camp L-Kee-Ta, Danville, IA 

Cost: $12 girl / $5 adult • Deadline: 4-3-14 • Date: 4-12-14 
Time: 10 a.m.-3 p.m.